Q: I can't read my text on a dark background, what can I do?

A: There are 2 different things that you can do...

1. Simply put this code before the text that you need to make more readable,
it will create a new background of any color behind your text: <span style=background:"green"> P.S. If you are talking about Neopets, put this at the end of your shop description,
(you will also have to erase the "!-- end shop description --" tag.)
it should look like this:

1 in stock
Cost : 20 NP

Lava Lamp
1 in stock
Cost : 420 NP

Green Fuzzle
1 in stock
Cost : 420 NP

Magic Vial
1 in stock
Cost : 1666 NP

To end span, put this tag at end of text (DO NOT USE THIS END TAG FOR NEOPETS): </span>
2. To change the color of your text (and not hide that pretty background), simply use the following code: <style type=text/css>TD,P,body{COLOR:green;FONT-FAMILY:tahoma; FONT-SIZE:12pt; TEXT-DECORATION:#FFF617} </style>
it should look like this:

Skunk Paint Brush
1 in stock
Cost : 12420 NP

Burning Potion
1 in stock
Cost : 999 NP

Earth Faerie

1 in stock
Cost : 4420 NP

Bud Bud
1 in stock
Cost : 420 NP

***You can replace "green" with any other color or hex value e.g. "#006633".
****Visit Robert Clowers for a nice chart of hex values for colors.

Q: How can put more room above and below my my images?

A: Put this in to put an image on the next line, it means "break" and you can use one
or more depending on the size of space you want: <br> it should look like this:

Or you can use this, it means paragraph and is slightly larger than a break. <p> it should look like this:

Q: How can I make the links on my page pop up in a new browser window?

A: An excellent idea! This helps keep more people on your site
because they are not losing your page when they surf your links.

Try putting ' target=blank' in your 'a href' tag like this: <a href="http://kindbackgrounds.tripod.com" target=blank> it should look like this:

(click gurl to see working example)

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